FootSmart Spring 2017

In-House Work


When The Walking Company® acquired FootSmart® they reduced their catalog publications from twelve a year to one per season. Taking on a whole new brand meant learning a new type of consumer. One who was a bit older, possibly retired, and looking for shopping experience that required minimal online browsing. We decided to approach them with a refreshed catalog look. One that featured large, detailed studio photography and story telling environmental product shots. We kept the type minimal, organized, and legible for aging eyes. Instead of forcing customers to endure tedious and often difficult online shopping, we embraced the idea of “Shop Your Way” by promoting our customer service call center and revised website design that offered more brands, easier to read text, larger images, and a faster, more efficient shopping experience. The day this catalog arrived in mailboxes across the county, we saw the first huge sales increase since the company was acquired.

Creative Direction: Ryan Powell

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